#ohmymats Square Mats - The Yellow Series
Yellow is the color of immense energy. Thus these yellow-colored #squaremats are going to impart a highly energetic feel to your little ones. The yellow category of square #mats is a collection of super #creativedesigns that will uplift the mood of your children in no time. This category is composed of four amazing designs which include Chicken Circus, The Carnival, Treasure Box, and Fruits and Vegetables. All these designs are amazingly creative and going to be perfect to enhance your kid’s learning abilities.
Chicken Circus is a highly artistic #design that is the best source for your kid’s happiness. It is going to elevate your kid’s colouring ability. The Carnival is an amazing depiction of felicity and creativity. Your #kid is going to learn a lot about festivals through this design. #Children must be glad to know that they can fill it with unlimited #colors to make it a colorful event. Treasure Box square mat is a design that is going to impart excitement to your kids through its beautiful design. Your kid is going to learn about undersea life through this #mat. Thus it is an easy learning way for your kid. The last design of this category Fruits and Vegetables square mats is also filled with amazing creativity. Learning new things is necessary for your kid, thus this square mat design is fulfilling this responsibility. These #squaremats are easy to use and wash. The colors can be applied and removed in a highly convenient way.
We prioritize your kid’s health so that we created these mats with a super safe material. Your kid can play with it as long as he wants without any risk of irritation. You should no longer worried about kid’s learning and creativity skills at an early age because these #squaremats are going to be your kid’s fun time partners.
Made in Korea
20cm x 20cm
Platinum Silicone
#Only can use line plus white board marker on the mat

#ohmymats - Coloured Square Mats 20cm by 20cm
#ohmymats Square Mats - The Pink Series
#ohmymats Square Mats - The Blue Series
Blue is the color of nature as the blue sky above us. Your kids must be attracted by this sooth...